“Am I only an image of what you see? An aerial dance trio explores rope choreography filmed only in shadow. The theme of shadow from the psychological Jungian perspective, the visual design of light and shadow, the playfulness of dancing with ones own shadow and the image distortion is fascinating. Shadows cast details; a representation of a form, yet distortion through the ethereal space of light and darkness. After all it’s a matter of perspective to see what origin a shadow may come from. A projected light at night attempts to render a shadow shape yet the existence is fleeting; just as sunlit shadows may seem predictable with time but can render illusions. How does one get to know ones shadow side? Is shadow play an approachable and creative way to explore buried elements of ourselves? How many shadows and shades can you see? How do I get to know all parts of my shadow? Is it a place of power? Do I like my shadow? How do I embrace it? Can we play with the unconscious or deeper processes in a conscious way?”
Direction by Sasha Chudacoff
(United States, 2018) 2 minutes
part of FAD Collections for grades K-2 & 3-5